The Flash will face The Turtle in next week's midseason premiere.
Preview images for the Flash episode titled "Potential Energy"
Official CW description for the Flash episode "The Reverse-Flash Returns!"
Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) is returning to The Flash with a twist
Screen captures from the preview trailer for The Flash's return in 2016.
Official CW description for the Flash episode "Potential Energy"
New promo trailer for The Flash in 2016, featuring Killer Frost, Reverse-Flash, Wally West and more.
Matt Letscher will be returning as Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, in an upcoming episode of The Flash.
Promo trailer for the return of The Flash in 2016.
Preview clip for The Flash episode "Running To Stand Still" featuring Weather Wizard and The Trickster