Tom Cavanagh talks about the "Council of Wells" that will be seen in the Flash episode "When Harry Met Harry."
Photos of the Flash cast signing autographs at the 2017 Comic-Con International in San Diego.
Official CW photos from the Flash episode "The Once and Future Flash" directed by Tom Cavanagh
Official CW description for the Flash episode "The Once and Future Flash"
Screen captures from the promotional trailer for the Flash episode "The Once and Future Flash"
Wells actor Tom Cavanagh is directing the 19th episode of The Flash's third season.
Official preview images for the Flash episode "Attack on Gorilla City"
Interview with Keiynan Lonsdale & Carlos Valdes of The Flash as they talk about "H.R."
Preview images for the Flash episode "Magenta" airing October 18 on The CW
Tom Cavanagh is staying with The Flash for Season 3.