The Flash is back on a new night tonight – Wednesdays at 8PM starting March 9 – and in addition to the show being back, Barry and Iris’ kids Nora and Bart are also returning! “Impulsive Excessive Disorder” pretty much picks up where the Season 7 finale left off, and we see what happens when Nora and Bart go back to the future!
To promote the episode, FlashTVNews was able to speak with Jessica Parker Kennedy who has played Nora a.k.a. XS on the series for several seasons now. You can read the interview below!
FLASHTVNEWS’ CRAIG BYRNE: It is safe to say something is wrong when Nora and Bart get back to the future?
JESSICA PARKER KENNEDY: I think it’s safe to say that, for sure. It’s definitely a sense of like, “oh, crap, let’s panic now and figure out how we can fix this!” Something is definitely wrong.
How has the dynamic of doing the show changed with Nora now having a brother?
It’s her having a brother, but then also being a different version of herself, a version where she was raised with her father, she was raised from when she was a child knowing she had powers, and her relationship is better with her mother. So ultimately, she’s a lot more secure in herself. It’s a lot more about proving to herself that she can save the day as opposed to like, proving herself to her dad or her mom. And with Bart, she has a tremendous amount of love and respect for Bart, and she wants to keep him safe. There’s also definitely an element of like “why are you so impulsive? This is not practical. This is high risk for us.” I think she wishes she could keep a tight leash on her brother, but he definitely isn’t about to let that happen.
What is it like working with Jordan Fisher?
He is delightful. He’s one of the busiest, most high-energy, high-vibration people that I’ve ever met. Unlike Bart, he’s not a particularly impulsive person. He’s someone that is grown up and he’s able to think things through before he does them, but he definitely is a lot like Bart, just in terms of his enthusiasm… his enthusiasm about life in general, and staying busy, and doing a lot, ad having fun. And he’s a wonderful, kind, very special person.
Can you talk about this journey back to the past and what they see there?
This is farther than they’ve gone back before. We get to see a character from the pilot who used to be around, which is very cool, which was very surreal for me filming it… I got to sort of be a part of the OG crew, which is really neat. So they definitely get to see very special moments that I think the audience are going to really love, with a true “blast from the past” moment. I think they’re going to really enjoy it.
Can you talk about the outfits the two of you are wearing in the past?
I know that my idea of my outfit was to blend in as much as possible, of course, and Bart’s idea of blending is not the same as mine. I make a comment that he’s gone back to more like 1882, or something like that. He’s just a bit ridiculous. But you know Bart… he’s forever confident in his choices.
What was it like to meet and finally work with Rick Cosnett?
Oh, he’s such a honey. I really love him. He’s just a gentle, lovely, kind, compassionate person. We got along instantly, and I wish I could work with him all the time. I would love it if he was in another episode, and we got to work together again, because he’s just lovely.
Are you able to say if you’ll be in more episodes beyond this one this season?
Anything is possible on the show. Maybe there’s a reason for them to come back and have to sort of pick up more pieces yet again. It’s very hard when you futz with the timeline; things never quite go back exactly the way they’re supposed to.
Shouldn’t Iris be about to give birth to Nora sometime soon?
That’s a really good question. I thought that would be a really cool episode, with Nora in the past hanging out with her mom while she was pregnant. That would be a really trippy episode. I think you should pitch that. I would love that.
How might Nora respond to seeing herself as a baby?
I think she just thinks she was the cutest baby that ever lived. Nora would be the kind of person that would be like, “oh, can I babysit myself?” I think she would think it was the neatest thing ever.
Would she also say “can you please not let Bart babysit for me?”
100%. She would say “don’t let Bart anywhere near me.” It’s a baby. Absolutely. Nora definitely loves and respects her brother, bit there’s an element of her that like “he will accidentally burn the whole house down.” There’s definitely that anxiety and fear that she has when it comes to her brother, for sure.
Since getting the role of Nora a few years ago, have you seeked out any of the XS comic book stories?
I have. I actually had one of the comics that I auctioned off for a charity that I worked with, and it was so cool, seeing this early 90s version of her with her funky ponytail ND biker shorts that she has.I don’t know a ton about her storylines through the comics, but I certainly know what she looked like, And it’s just crazy to me that I get to play a character that was in a comic book to begin with. I know we’ve changed it – it’s certainly not exactly the same on the show as it is in the comics, but it’s still neat to be a part of something that was on paper first.
If Eric Wallace came to you and said “we’d like to spin off Nora and Bart,” would you want to do it?
I think with anything in terms of my career, if it was the right time and the right story, I would say yes to anything that made sense for me to deal with; if all of the elements happened perfectly at the same time. It’s certainly a neat idea. I think there’s definitely an audience for that; we’ve had some really good feedback with with Nora and Bart together. So it would depend on a whole bunch of factors. But I’m open to to most things, if it sounded fun and it made sense.
What has been your biggest takeaway from the experience of doing this series?
I think it just feels really special to become a family member on a show that was so established already. I very much feel like Nora is a big part of the show and very much in the gang, and that’s a really nice feeling. From the first day I was ever on that set, I was very much welcomed with open arms by every single person I worked with. I’ve never had an uncomfortable day there, so I very much feel like a part of the Flash family, and that’s a pretty, pretty big honor.
What do you have to say to the fans about why they should tune in on Wednesday night?
It’s a really a lovely, delightful episode. The stakes are always high. There’s definitely some serious stuff that is going on, but it’s a really special, sort of offbeat, off-brand episode, I think, for for the show. Maybe not off-brand, but it’s very much Bart and Nora carrying the episode, and they’re having their own little adventure. That’s a uniqueness that we haven’t seen before on the show. I also think the fans will like the the sort of “blast from the past.” They get to go pretty far back into the past, and I think that’ll be really fun.
Our thanks to Jessica Parker Kennedy for doing this interview! Photos from tonight’s episode “Impulsive Excessive Disorder” can be found here.