In 1991, DC Comics had a crossover that went through all of their comic book Annuals. The event was called “Armageddon 2001” and took place in the then-far future of the DC Universe. We got to see different outcomes for many characters, and the villainous Monarch was revealed to be one of DC’s heroes.
Today, The CW announced this year’s crossover event that kicks off The Flash Season 8. It’s called “Armageddon” and some old favorites are back to join Barry, Iris, and Team Flash against whatever challenges they face – challenges that include Damien Darhk and Eobard Thawne/The Reverse Flash. Do note that both of those characters are known to travel through time — and that one of the returning heroes, Mia Smoak-Queen, is currently in the year 2040.
Who else is from the future? Recent Flash visitors Nora and Bart, the children of Barry and Iris. They were still in the present when we last saw them at their parents’ vow renewal.
So, here’s a prediction: What if this is an adaptation of “Armageddon 2001” but is instead “Armageddon 2051” or something like that? It would be a way to tie up loose ends like William’s kidnapping from Green Arrow and the Canaries without actually having to see it. Likewise, we don’t know for a fact that some of these guests are the 2021 versions; perhaps, for example, Black Lightning is an older Jefferson Pierce from the future, no longer retired?
But this also brings up another question: Where’s the Superman & Lois representation?
If it is the future, could the Superman there be Jordan Kent? Or, like DC’s recent “Future State” event which in many ways was like “Armageddon 2001” in previewing the future, a Jonathan Kent with powers? Being 20+ years older, it would necessitate a recasting for sure, so that would explain not being in the original announcement.
Surely, we’ll know more between now and November when the event premieres. It is a bit weird that, if there is time travel, the Legends of Tomorrow aren’t present aside from Ray Palmer who is no longer on the team. In any event, we’re very, very curious….