The first part in the crossover event strikes a smart balance between fanservice and storytelling, in a fun, even if unambitious hour that lives up to...
An incredibly fast-paced installment uses a common superhero trope to amp up the stakes and tension to great effect.
A paper thin plot shows off how well this show still works even without the more in-depth workings of other serialized dramas.
Interview with Candice Patton who plays Iris West on The Flash
Images of the cast of The CW's Flash, starring Grant Gustin
Interview with The Flash's Candice Patton at the PaleyFest Fall Preview
Photos of Flash cast and producers at the PaleyFest Fall Preview
Candice Patton will be at tonight's Flash Q&A at the Paley Center.
New photos from the first episode of The CW's new Flash series.
CWestionator video featuring Candice Patton of The Flash