The four-show “Crisis on Earth-X” crossover began with the first attempt at a wedding for Barry Allen and Iris West, and before they were interrupted, a mysterious girl showed up, leading many to think that this star-struck visitor might be a descendant of Barry and Iris. Here at FlashTVNews we are hanging our hats at the notion that she might be Jenni Ognats, a.k.a. XS, who would be grandchild of Barry and Iris; others think it’s their daughter, Dawn.
Whomever she may be, the actress Jessica Parker Kennedy recently did an interview with Bustle where she confirmed that her mystery character will be back — and next time, we may get some more answers. (The article also notes that Jessica has already filmed two episodes — her Supergirl episode and another Flash — which means she’ll be back sooner rather than later.)
“I’ll be around,” Kennedy teased. “You’ll see me again on the show and things will make more sense.”
The interview also reveals that she’s listed only as “Mystery Girl” in the scripts, and everything has been so secretive so far.
“I’ve had to be secretive before about parts, but nothing like this,” she said. “It’s been really hard, because I can’t even talk about it on set really, so I wanna wear sunglasses everywhere I go. Because on set, all the other actors are like, ‘Who are you? What’s going on? What character are you?’ And I just have to be like … ‘I don’t know!’”
Whatever it is, the producers approached Kennedy for the part and she did not have to audition. The actress also described it as a “cool concept.” Though she has not read fan theories, she is excited that fandom is excited and guessing who she might be playing.
“I’m just excited that they’ll get to be on that journey and I’m glad to be a part of it,” Kennedy said.
The Flash returns January 16 where it will precede new DC TV offering Black Lightning.
January 4, 2018 at 7:56 pm
Ms. Kennedy is also familiar to Smallville fans as Bette Sans Souci, aka Plastique, who appeared in three episodes over Seasons 8 and 9.