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Who Is Harrison Wells? Theory Circa 10.21.2014

Theories about the character of Harrison Wells on The Flash



907802Warning: Spoilers through Episode 3 of The Flash “Things You Can’t Outrun” are discussed within.

Tonight’s episode of The Flash ended with the revelation that Harrison Wells clearly saw the accident that created Barry Allen and turned him into The Flash. It seems that, with motives that are unknown, Wells is trying to “create” the Flash.

But what if his plan involves more than just Barry?

Case in point: Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow are also both STAR Labs employees, and the most loyal of the bunch. Is it coincidence that these two are known to readers of DC Comics as Vibe and Killer Frost, respectively? Wouldn’t Harrison Wells, with knowledge of the future, be aware of THEIR fates, too? Heck… could he have orchestrated the accident that had befallen Ronnie Raymond, so he, too, will meet his intended destination?

FLA01_NM_CARLOS_0349rAnd then there’s Eddie Thawne. Where was he before he transferred to Central City? Convenient that he was driving Iris to go see Barry, isn’t it? While his feelings for Iris seem to be genuine, could he have been planted there by Wells also? Is it just coincidence that he was the one that caught the kid who was stealing Iris’ research – a theft that kept Barry away from Wells’ presentation, and put him where he needed to be later?

Perhaps Wells’ influence is farther-reaching than we knew. Could he have tipped Barry off on the strange things that were happening in Starling City last year, thus taking Barry there and having him be the one to introduce a mask to the Green Arrow?

All interesting things we will have to see. But, for now, on October 21, 2014, those are our theories. Check back throughout the season to see how right (or wrong) we may become. This “theory” may not answer the question of “Who is Harrison Wells,” but perhaps it will reveal a little bit about his origins. (Though on that note: Is it coincidence he once used the word “Pariah?” Does he know Lyla Michaels? Questions, questions…)

Leave your Harrison Wells theories on our Flash forum!



  1. Pure Luck

    October 25, 2014 at 9:13 am

    There are other things about Wells that are a too little convient. For instance the accelerator he designed just happens to double as a meta-human prison, it’s almost as if he knew it would be needed.

    There is a distinct possibility that Harrison Wells is Hunter Zolomon, the time traveling and desire to see The Flash become the hero he was meant to be all fit with character.

  2. Barry allenz

    September 5, 2017 at 5:47 am

    wells is really a brilliant man who will never be forgotten.cheers mate i liove you and grant gustin not forgetting cisco

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A Message From FlashTVNews As The Show Concludes

FlashTVNews shares a message to tie in with The Flash series finale.



“To understand what I’m about to tell you, you need to do something first. You need to believe in the impossible. Can you do that?”

Ten years ago, someone told me that something that was very special to me would be coming back. I had no idea what this person was talking about, and this person had no connection to the TV industry, but sure enough, days later news came that Greg Berlanti was bringing Barry Allen to Arrow and The Flash was reborn. I still remember where I was: In my car, driving to another day of the Television Critics Association press tour. Somehow the news leaked earlier than it was probably supposed to. I registered the FlashTVNews domain and Twitter handle while stopped at traffic lights. (We have a lot of traffic lights here in L.A.)

But let’s go back farther than that… I was absolutely one of those kids who was thrilled when CBS launched a Flash TV show in 1990. As Grant Gustin was the definitive Flash for a generation, John Wesley Shipp was mine. One of the best parts of this entire Flash experience was the opportunity to meet him and interview him. Still pinching myself over that. I had a Betamax tape where I taped the series’ final episode the night it aired. I had no idea we’d see John Wesley Shipp in a Flash show again, let alone in his Flash suit in crossovers that would come later!

Every couple of years we’d hear rumors of a new Flash TV show, or they’d be developed. The closest we came to get something new before this was when Kyle Gallner appeared on a few episodes of Smallville as Bart Allen a.k.a. Impulse. I’m still surprised “Run” wasn’t an attempt at a backdoor pilot for a Flash show. Kyle was, of course, great, and he’s still thriving in his career. Sadly, in 180+ episodes we still never got to see him on this show.

Moving back to the future in 2014, there was The Flash Season 1. Was there a more perfect season of superhero television? Every week, the action, the twists, and the turns would build. Before we saw him in action, Grant Gustin would not have been my first choice for Barry Allen, though my hate for his Glee character Sebastian definitely biased that. But then we saw Grant as Barry, and he gave the character so many levels of depth… it’s no wonder this show lasted as long as it did. And then Season 2, giving us such an amazing look at Earth-2 as well as another formidable fast foe? Sign me up!

I’m grateful to have been able to interview most of the cast of this show, all of whom are just as nice as you think they would be. The Flash was a journey from the good (Seasons 1-2), to the bad (we won’t discuss, but you all know what I’m talking about), to the aggravating (like the time those annoying people ruined Barry & Iris’ wedding… and the first time they tried getting married, when there were Nazis who ruined it.) So many talents, too. In addition to Grant Gustin, Candice Patton brought so much to Iris and I still feel like there could have been a lot more done to explore her character. Danielle Panabaker, who managed two characters at once for a while there. Carlos Valdes, wearer of Cisco’s amazing t-shirts. Tom Cavanagh as the Reverse Flash and dozens of different Wells variants before variants were a thing Marvel would do. The super-talented Jesse L. Martin. Danielle Nicolet, whose Cecile character I often dragged on Twitter even though I really liked Danielle as an actress. Gotta also shout out Keiynan Lonsdale who always was light and optimism whenever he’d show up. And new Super-friends to enjoy, such as Brandon McKnight and Kayla Compton, and the “kids from the future,” scene-stealers Jessica Parker Kennedy and Jordan Fisher. The STAR Labs family was on screen but also existed in their own way in our fan hearts. Through the years, we’ve gotten to know many Rogues, again, folks who won’t be forgotten.

I know I had some opportunities that I was very lucky to have. Getting to hang out in the STAR Labs sets itself is one. Covering the Flash 100th episode carpet and speaking to so many people, past and present. Watching “Out of Time” with Candice Patton in the room with us. Keiynan’s Where’s Waldo — err, Where’s Wally costume. Seeing an article that accidentally wrote “The Seal” instead of “Cecile” and finding it absolutely hilarious. Being embarrassed crying in front of Danielle Panabaker after watching the Sidekick movie Tom Cavanagh was in. Bugging Tom Cavanagh with annoying questions at Comic-Con. Fitting “Society” into a question to Teddy Sears, who we thought at the time was playing Jay Garrick… and then seeing Teddy again last year for a Waltons event and getting right to the point with a Flash question. All fun times.

This isn’t goodbye. Twelve years ago when Smallville ended, I was sure that would be the last time I’d ever see Tom Welling as Clark and Erica Durance as Lois. Flash forward a few years and we got both of them in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Stephen Amell has already returned as Green Arrow. We’ll be seeing some of our Flash faves again; I just know it. Who knows? Maybe it’ll happen as early as next month’s Flash movie, though we’ll see. They might not want to remind the audience who the best Flash was. Even if we don’t see our favorites again, nine seasons of a show is a long time, and as long as streaming or Blu-rays are available, we’ll always be able to revisit.

Thank you to those who have stuck with FlashTVNews in so many years. And thank you to every creative talent who worked on The Flash in these nine years. Ride the lightning!

— Craig

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Speculation: Does The Arrowverse “Armageddon” Event Take Place In The Future?

FlashTVNews’ Craig Byrne speculates that the “Armageddon” Arrowverse crossover may take place in The Flash’s future…



In 1991, DC Comics had a crossover that went through all of their comic book Annuals. The event was called “Armageddon 2001” and took place in the then-far future of the DC Universe. We got to see different outcomes for many characters, and the villainous Monarch was revealed to be one of DC’s heroes.

Today, The CW announced this year’s crossover event that kicks off The Flash Season 8. It’s called “Armageddon” and some old favorites are back to join Barry, Iris, and Team Flash against whatever challenges they face – challenges that include Damien Darhk and Eobard Thawne/The Reverse Flash. Do note that both of those characters are known to travel through time — and that one of the returning heroes, Mia Smoak-Queen, is currently in the year 2040.

Who else is from the future? Recent Flash visitors Nora and Bart, the children of Barry and Iris. They were still in the present when we last saw them at their parents’ vow renewal.

So, here’s a prediction: What if this is an adaptation of “Armageddon 2001” but is instead “Armageddon 2051” or something like that? It would be a way to tie up loose ends like William’s kidnapping from Green Arrow and the Canaries without actually having to see it. Likewise, we don’t know for a fact that some of these guests are the 2021 versions; perhaps, for example, Black Lightning is an older Jefferson Pierce from the future, no longer retired?

But this also brings up another question: Where’s the Superman & Lois representation?

If it is the future, could the Superman there be Jordan Kent? Or, like DC’s recent “Future State” event which in many ways was like “Armageddon 2001” in previewing the future, a Jonathan Kent with powers? Being 20+ years older, it would necessitate a recasting for sure, so that would explain not being in the original announcement.

Surely, we’ll know more between now and November when the event premieres. It is a bit weird that, if there is time travel, the Legends of Tomorrow aren’t present aside from Ray Palmer who is no longer on the team. In any event, we’re very, very curious….

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Could Kid Flash Be Moving To Titans?

FlashTVNews makes some speculation about the future of Kid Flash, and whether or not it involves the Titans series.



Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) appeared to have departed The Flash at the end of the third episode of Season 4. However, the character is still a series regular and he will be back in the seventh episode of the season, as revealed by Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg in a Q&A today. Kreisberg also stressed that Wally is “not gone from the Arrowverse,” which makes us wonder….

“It was difficult having two speedsters on the show, just creatively and financially,” Kreisberg admitted at the press Q&A. “You know, there’s a lot of times where either Barry had to get knocked out so Wally could save the day, or Wally had to get knocked out so Barry could save the day, and just even knocking them out, that cost a lot,” he said, also pointing out some of the creative challenges.

He did promise that Wally will be back, however. “Wally is not gone, certainly, from the Arrowverse, and he’ll be back on Flash, and more exciting stuff about Wally will be revealed as we move forward,” Kreisberg said.

With these words, we here at FlashTVNews are starting to wonder: Could Wally West be moving to the Titans show on the DC Comics streaming service? After all, Wally has been an important figure in Titans lore, and while it would mean The Flash loses a speedster, it would give Titans another icon.

So far, no announcement has been made in that department, nor has it even been confirmed that Titans is in the same universe as The Flash. It is worth pointing out, though, that Arrowverse producers Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter are involved with Titans.

Makes one wonder, doesn’t it?

(It’s also interesting to note the characters on the Teen Titans comic book shown with this article. With the exception of Kid Flash, and of course a different Robin being represented, these are the characters from the upcoming DC Titans show. Hmm.)

Visit our Titans hub for more on the project!

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