“Rebirth” has been a big thing for DC Comics in the past decade.
The Geoff Johns-written Green Lantern: Rebirth recharged Hal Jordan for a new generation. The Flash: Rebirth did the same for Barry Allen. Last year, the line-wide “Rebirth” promotion brought new attention and acclaim to DC after people grew disillusioned with the “New 52.”
With The Flash going back to a happier direction, it’s almost surprising that the Season 4 premiere, which airs on October 10, is not called “Rebirth.” In a recent EW interview, Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg explains why they called it “The Flash Reborn” instead.
“We were actually going to call it Rebirth, and then realized everybody was going to think we were doing Rebirth, which is why we changed it to ‘The Flash Reborn’,” Kreisberg explained. “These first three years were really about growing up and now they’re all adults, which is both good and bad. They’ve all become pretty expert at what they do and they’re not as wide-eyed about everything that’s happening to them. For Barry and Iris, they are finally going to get married this season and then it’s going to be: Can they stay married with everything that’s coming up against them?”
You can read the entire EW interview here.
Photos from the Season 4 premiere can be found below.
The Flash
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The Flash -- "The Flash Reborn" -- Image Number: FLA401a_0311b.jpg -- Pictured: Samuroid -- Photo: Katie Yu/The CW -- é 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.