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FlashTVNews Awards

The 2015 FlashTVNews Awards: The Season 1 Results Are In!

The results are in for the winners of the 2015 FlashTVNews Awards, honoring the best of The Flash Season 1.



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FLA112A_0276bBest Pairing: Barry & Iris

This category definitely was the most contentious, and the most voted on. In this case, “Best Pairing” counts either romantically or non-romantically… and perhaps due to the chemistry between Grant Gustin and Candice Patton, the notion that they are destined in the comic books’ future, or that they grew up together and were always close, Barry & Iris – “WestAllen” – took the top spot with 57% of the vote.

Let’s have a clip to go with this one, shall we?

But wait! Barry & Caitlin also had its share of supporters, as those two characters have also gotten pretty close. The “Snowbarry” pairing came in second with 31%.

Third place honors and wayyyy down the list with 3% was the father and son type bond between Barry & Joe West.

Our thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s Awards, and we promise to do this better next year. The Flash Season 2 premieres Tuesday, October 6 on The CW.

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  1. Jenna

    October 5, 2015 at 9:40 am

    Thanks for tallying it all up for us! I’m impressed that Tom Cavanaugh beat out Grant, but I love so many of the top choices here. Great work voting, fandom. Barry, Iris and Joe contain all my favorite relationships on the show!

  2. Cilla

    October 5, 2015 at 9:50 am

    Thank you. Yayy WestAllen for best pairing, woop woop. Nice to see Out of Time made it into the top three best eps and great results for the top three actors.

  3. Jade4813

    October 5, 2015 at 9:56 am

    Aw, love the results and couldn’t agree more with them! But…wait…the people who wrote Man in the Yellow Suit wrote the return of Pete Ross and his Magical Gum in Smallville?!? I need a moment.

    Definitely happiest about the Trickster’s win, best and worst episodes, and, of course, I love Iris & Barry’s relationship so that made me very happy.

  4. Thi86

    October 5, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    I agree with all! But the best episode for me still is ‘Out of Time’. It was everything you could ask. Action, Romance, Fun. It had everything! Plus, it was the first Westallen kiss! 🙂

    And yes, Best Pairing will always be Barry and Iris..these two have a chemistry made in heaven!

  5. Valeria

    October 5, 2015 at 1:07 pm

    Yaaaaay WestAllen for best pairing. Candice slaying too. Waiting for season 2 now! 😉

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FlashTVNews Awards

The 2016 FlashTVNews Awards: The Season 2 Results Are In!

Fans have picked the best and the worst of The Flash Season 2.



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flashkingsharkposterOver the last week and a half, fans were invited to vote in this year’s FlashTVNews Awards, our annual tradition honoring the best (and not-so-best) of The Flash. We did it a little later than usual this year, and again missed some key categories, which is something we said we’d improve on and didn’t; better luck next season?

Now, as Season 3 is almost upon us, let’s look back at the winners for The Flash Season 2. Navigate at the bottom of the page, and if you want to see our similar results for Arrow and Supergirl, you can find them here and here, respectively.

(Last year’s FlashTVNews Awards results can be found here)

As always, votes are limited per IP so all “wins” are had fair and square. What does well or not surely depends partly on what parts of the fan base choose to vote; FlashTVNews is not taking a side or representative of the results within, or else Cisco and Carlos Valdes would win absolutely everything, with Joe/Jesse L. Martin close behind.

Let’s get started, shall we? Navigate below:

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FlashTVNews Awards

2016 FlashTVNews Awards: Pick The Best & Worst Of Flash Season 2!

Fans are invited to vote for the best and worst of The Flash’s second season in the 2016 FlashTVNews Awards.



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flashkingsharkposterWe’ve done it for Arrow and Supergirl already this summer… now, we’re doing something a little bit different in honoring Season 2 of The Flash.

The real reason: We fell behind. But also, we thought it might be confusing to have three polls running concurrently on three different websites. But now that those other two are done… let’s go on to honoring The Flash!

Last year, we had the first-ever FlashTVNews Awards honoring the best and worst of the show’s first season. Now, we’re back in voting for our favorites. The difference is… this time all of the voting will happen in the same week. If this style or format works better, we’ll try it for our other sites next year.

Be sure to use the navigation feature underneath the polls to go to the next categories to vote on, and try to vote in every category if you can. Voting will continue through Sunday, October 2; results will be posted just in time for the Season 3 premiere! Yeah, we’re really cutting it close.

Enjoy, and if you haven’t gotten the Flash Season 2 Blu-ray yet… what are you waiting for? Let’s get started by navigating below. Please note that votes are limited to 1 vote per IP address.

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FlashTVNews Awards

2015 FlashTVNews Awards: Pick The Best Pairing Of The Flash Season 1!

Fans are invited to pick their favorite pairing from The Flash Season 1.



FLA102a_205bBecause we ran so long with some categories in our first annual FlashTVNews Awards, honoring the best and worst of The Flash Season 1, we’re skipping ahead a few categories so that we can get the results up before the new season begins.

The last pairing in this year’s Awards is Best Pairing. In this instance, it is not necessarily a romantic pairing — bonds between Barry and his father figures are included, as is Iris with her dad. Voting will continue for a few days and then we’ll post the results!

Note: If there is a pairing that you feel is missing, write it in and we’ll include your vote and/or add it as a choice. Thanks!

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