FlashTVNews Awards
The 2016 FlashTVNews Awards: The Season 2 Results Are In!
Fans have picked the best and the worst of The Flash Season 2.
FlashTVNews Awards
2016 FlashTVNews Awards: Pick The Best & Worst Of Flash Season 2!
Fans are invited to vote for the best and worst of The Flash’s second season in the 2016 FlashTVNews Awards.
FlashTVNews Awards
The 2015 FlashTVNews Awards: The Season 1 Results Are In!
The results are in for the winners of the 2015 FlashTVNews Awards, honoring the best of The Flash Season 1.
FlashTVNews Awards
2015 FlashTVNews Awards: Pick The Best Pairing Of The Flash Season 1!
Fans are invited to pick their favorite pairing from The Flash Season 1.
October 3, 2016 at 5:17 pm
I must be the only person who thinks “the Runaway Dinosaur” is completely overrated. Good episode, but overrated. It wasn’t his mother, so the emotion wasn’t earned. It felt like the writers were trying one too many times to cash in on a great moment and seemingly everyone in the audience not caring.
October 3, 2016 at 7:54 pm
You think you’re the only person who found that episode overrated, and yet somehow you also know that everyone in the audience didn’t care? You realize those two statements are contradictory? It was one of the best rated episodes, and real mother or not, it helped bring an unresolved emotion of Barry’s that was just neglected for so much of the series. Personally there are still many people who cry everytime they see that episode, so please don’t speak for everyone.
Craig Byrne
October 3, 2016 at 10:29 pm
Rob has a habit of doing that over at GreenArrowTV. It’s apparently a tradition now.
October 4, 2016 at 9:13 am
No, the statement isn’t contradictory because what I wrote was that I found it overrated because the audience didn’t care that it wasn’t his mother, hence why they got caught up in the emotion of the episode. I didn’t say the audience didn’t care about the episode, the audience didn’t care that the writers are hitting that note too many times. Looking back, I can see where you would interpret my statement that way, but I think it’s pretty clear from context, that’s not what I meant. And what emotion wasn’t resolved? Guilt over his mother’s death. If that’s the case, I think given what happened in the finale, it’s safe to say he has yet to resolve it.
And really, Craig?
I didn’t speak for everyone. I just spoke for myself.
October 3, 2016 at 5:32 pm
Awesome! This was fun. Loved Zack’s episode and all the Earth-2 ones especially Episode 13. I love Candice Patton and Grant Gustin they are amazing leads for the show!
October 4, 2016 at 9:22 am
Still not sure what anyone’s issue is with Patty. She was delightful. I do think it’s simply an issue of her not being Iris. This is nothing new, though. Audiences tend to hate romantic impediments. They were none too kind to Lauren Tom back in the 90s when she was on Friends simply for being the other woman. And there seemed to be a 180 on Iris from season 1 to season 2 at least in terms of online perception. Overall it was a good season, but not as fantastic as season 1 in large part because Zoom was far less interesting as a villain.